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How I’m keeping my inbox to single figures

I currently have 19 e-mail accounts set up in my mail app. Most accounts are for various businesses that I run because when I set them up, I always create an info@ account as the general account and then if needed a support@ account linked to my help desk software. Just counting the info@ type accounts, I have 17 for business, a personal e-mail account and finally a family e-mail account for anything related to my children, house, bills etc. For years I have struggled to keep the total number of messages in those accounts below 70.

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Success! I’m down to just 18 hours of work a week

When I first started my business, I had three goals. I wanted to be able to work from anywhere, I wanted to earn more money than I had in a ‘real’ job and I wanted to work as few hours as possible. Finally, after nearly 10 years, I have managed all three as I have finally lowered my working hours down to just 18 a week… but only because I was forced to.

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This digital nomad’s daily routine

I’m sure this is not the first digital nomad blog that you have stumbled across. There are lots out there and some more honest than others. I thought it might be good to share what my life actually looks like, to give an honest view of what a nomadic settler looks like when you have a family.

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I always wanted a pager

This morning I woke up in my own bed. Nothing terribly exciting or remarkable there however we’ve just got back from a long weekend away on a boat on the Norfolk Broads. My partner is pregnant and is finding sleeping difficult. That combined with the size of the beds on a boat meant that I spent time sleeping anywhere but in the bed. After a few nights sleeping on the floor of a boat, you come to appreciate the finer things in life – like a mattress and decent pillows!

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Digital nomad vs nomadic settler

The internet is full of bloggers and Instagrammers who seemingly travel the world with little more than their passport and laptop whilst earning plenty of money as they do it. This is the dream though, right? You are young, you do not have any commitments, want to visit new places and as a digital native, you can find ways to make money online. With the reduced cost of living abroad, what can go wrong? Plus, it’s much more fun than starting a business at home!

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